CCGB Events Reports
The CCGB organises a national event annually. The event began with an inaurgural event, The Cockapoo Games 2012, organised by Mick Watson at A1K9’s Dog Training School, sponsored by Stephen and Julia Charlton at Jukee Doodles and supported by the CCGB founder member team – it was such a resounding success that the CCGB team will now organise and run an annual weekend event. To give you idea of what you can expect at a CCGB event take a look at the report below from The Cockapoo Games 2012.
The Cockapoo Games 2012
report by Mick Watson

The Competitors
The weekend of the 15th and 16th of September 2012 witnessed the hordes descend on Woodland Waters for the inaugural Cockapoo Games.
Friday morning opened blowing a gale as the tail of Hurricane Michael blew across the UK, however, this was not going to deter me from the task ahead and with my ever constant assistant Jon Wright I began to build arenas, obstacle courses and obedience areas for competitors to practice and hone their dogs’ skills.
By 12:30 all was set and a number of competitors had already started to arrive, gallantly pitching tents and awnings to caravans in very high winds. It was only a short time before kettles were boiling and a welcome brew from Helen as a well deserved refreshment brought over for Jon and me We then received a worrying phone call to say the winds were far too strong for the Marquee to be erected, but as the afternoon unfolded the winds subsided and the Marquee arrived and was erected with many willing hands now available to help (thanks everybody).
During the afternoon, competitors arrived, practice commenced and things started to look very interesting as Jo and Janet displayed some fantastic agility with Freddie and Dylan. Many had a go at the Relay and realised that this was going to be a real fun aspect to the day. Finally competitors drifted away to lodges, caravans and tents for some refreshments while myself and Jon, along with now what could be called a small army of ‘humpers’ and ‘dumpers’, moved most of the equipment into the Marquee for over night storage. When all was complete, it was back to the lodge for a quick shower and then up to Woody’s Bar for a bite to eat and drink.
Eventually, I was able to get the draw started for the running order and the Relay Teams. I lost track of time, but I think all was complete by 10pm and finally I was able to relax and enjoy a chat and a pint with people as they enthused at the prospect of Saturday’s events. People were still arriving late into the evening, some after very long journeys, so were still setting up camp in to the early hours. I had every intention of getting an early night with a busy day ahead however, Julia arrived late on with loads more information so a couple more pints had to be consumed.
Saturday morning I tentatively drew back the curtains to see clear blue skies and thankfully only a light breeze, so it was up and out with Alfie and Milo for a walk around the site to see campers emerging from their sleeping bags and Cockapoos patiently waiting for a walk around the lakes.

The setting and the arena looking fantastic
After a good walk it was back for some breakfast and then down to the arena where Jon was waiting for me to start setting up. A good turn out of helpers saw us quickly get things in place for the opening events.
Our Judges arrived and after a brief introduction I was confident that Stephen and Jack were going to get on well and do us proud throughout the day. Stephen also arrived with a car boot full of goodies, banners and flags to put the finishing touches to the Cockapoo Games Arena.

Arena ready

Judges poised for action

Competitors briefed

Competitor photo call
With our Judges ready and Competitors briefed we were ready to start the games with Obedience Competition

Mandy and Flo during her Send Away

Karen and Basil

A very attentive Down Stay from Basil

Dave and Luna get last minute instructions

Mick and Julia enjoy the fun of the competition

then it’s down to business

Great Send Away “Come on Mum I want my treat….please”

Jo and Darcey perform the Send Away

Mick and Alfie commence heel work and Alfie checks out the crowd from a good vantage point

Jack and Stephen start to feel the heat of the competition

So with the teams through the Obedience it was time to relax and a 30 minute lunch break was the order of the day. During our lunch break Colin and Maureen gave all those interested in Fly Ball a little demo and then everyone had a go and lots of potential Fly Ballers are now seeking Clubs in their area.

Then in the afternoon the Agility Competition commenced. The competition was split in to three categories: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced and as everyone approached their turn you could feel the tension in the air as nerves started to jangle. Each course contained 25 obstacles over the same distance so that the times and points were all equivalent for each category. It turned out to be a real physical test for the handlers, although the dogs made light work of all elements.

Sue with Gaia at the top of the A Frame

Sue with Gaia, one of them is going the wrong way!

Eileen and Rupert at the Dog Walk

Jan and Remy take on the Dog Walk

Dave helps Luna negotiate the Tyre/Hoop Jump

Gemma with Nell at the Tyre/Hoop Jump

Rupert flies the Wishing Well with ease

Karen with Basil on the Dog Walk…

and clearing the Wishing Well

Lorraine and Ben take on the See Saw

Ruby in full flight

Helen with Ruby on the A Frame

Julia and Yogi through the tyre/hoop

Julia with Yogi on the Dog Walk

Jon with Barney on the Dog Walk…

and at the Wishing Well

Karen and Rufus display their speed

Mandy and Flo almost finished, just the Wishing Well and a Sprint finish

Mick and Alfie finishing their round

Milo completes his round, Mick’s nowhere to be seen
So with the Agility brought to a close with some very fast runs by Janet/Dylan (47 secs), Sally/Jasper(50 secs), Jo/Freddie(51 secs) and Mick/Milo (59 secs) we had to quickly push on with the Special Tricks category.
This category gave competitors the opportunity to showcase the little things they had taught their dogs to do…tricks ranged from High 5s and Balance Beams to Sneezing Cockapoos and Dancing Dogs and it was extremely hard for our hard working Judges to separate the acts.

Milo on the balance beams

So how did all the competitors fare in the competition? Here is a full list….
Overall Cockapoo Games Results
GOLD Mick & Milo 835.5 points
SILVER Sally & Jasper 833.5 points
BRONZE Mick & Alfie 823 points
4th Julia & Yogi 820.5 points
5th Samantha & Jensen 820 points
6th Jo & Freddie 817 points
7th Mandy & Flo 792.5 points
8th Ali & Izzy 787 points
9th Janet & Dylan 775.5 points
10th Jo & Darcey 773 points
11th Jan & Remy 729 points
12th Jon & Barney 727 points
13th Eileen & Rupert 725.5 points
14th Helen & Ruby 721.5 points
=15th Freddie & Millie 718 points
=15th Dave & Luna 718 points
17th Carol & Alfie 710 points
18th Helen & Pepper 703 points
19th Lorraine & Ben 662.5 points
20th Gemma & Nell 602 points
21st Maureen/Colin & Poppy 597 points
22nd Sue & Gaia 585 points
23rd Karen & Basil 570.5 points (2 events only)
24th Karen & Rufus 549 points (2 events only)
25th Sue/Ed & Bess 508 points
26th Lisa & Kizzy 485 points (2 events only)
27th Colin & Rosie 445 points
28th Sharon & Pepper 318.5 points (2 events only)

Mick with Alfie and Milo
Individual events top 5
1st Samantha & Jensen 323.5 points
2nd Sally & Jasper 320.5 points
3rd Julia & Yogi 318 points
4th Mick & Alfie 317.5 points
5th Mick & Milo 314 points
Agility Beginners
1st Maureen & Poppy 199 points 2mins 8secs
2nd Sharon & Pepper 167 points 2mins 36secs
3rd Colin & Rosie 75.5 points 2mins 48secs
Agility Intermediate
1st Ali & Izzy 339 points 1min 27 secs
2nd Jan & Remy 335 points 1min 29secs
3rd Karen & Basil 313 points 1min 31secs
4th Freddie & Millie 312 points 1min 31secs
5th Helen & Pepper 291.5 points 1min 47secs
Agility Advanced
1st Mick & Milo 342.5 points 59secs
2nd Janet & Dylan 340 points 47secs
3rd Sally & Jasper 340 points 50secs
4th Jo & Freddie 340 points 51secs
5th Mick & Alfie 335 points 71 secs
Special Tricks
Ist Mick & Milo 179 points
2nd Jo & Freddie 173.5 points
=3rd Eileen & Rupert 173 points
=3rd Sally & Jasper 173 points
5th Mick & Alfie 170.5 points
Here are some of our winner’s proudly displaying their Rosettes…

Pepper – 2nd place in agility beginners

Freddie – 2nd place in special tricks and 6th overall

Izzy – 1st place in agility intermediate

Jasper – Overall Silver Medal, 2nd place in obedience, 3rd place in advance agility and 3rd place in special tricks – A good day at the office for Jasper!!!
Our day was also about raising money for the Games chosen charity Hounds for Heroes and a big effort was made by many, but two people in particular worked tirelessly throughout the day, camped in the Marquee – Sarah and Julie did a sterling job selling raffle tickets, cuddly toys and goodies…well done ladies. I can also report that the Raffle raised a fantastic sum of £900.
Other monies through personal sponsorship and Just Giving sites are being totalled but here are some of the great efforts people have made:
Dave Sharples Just Giving Site – £420 of which many member’s and their friends contributed too, Mandy Bates and Eileen Gilmore to name a couple.
Dave also organised a Cake bake at work which raised £75
Heather & Keith with Buzz donated £100
Sue Day & Bess £200 in personal sponsorship
Helen with Ruby & Pepper raised £320 in personal sponsorship
Mick with Alfie & Milo raised £530 in personal sponsorship

So as you can see with bits and bobs still to be calculated we have raised well over £2500 to present to Hounds For Heroes
I would like to pass on my personal thanks to our Judges, Stephen Charlton & Jack Johnstone, for judging the days events and a huge thank you to our Sponsors Jukee Doodles, Stephen & Julia Charlton, who supported this event and its concept from day one
Thank you Mick Watson
CCGB Founder Member visit to Woodland Waters August 2012
Report by Mick Watson
The Cockapoo Games 2012 event in September 2012 was preceeded in August 2012 by a CCGB Founder Member team visit to Woodland Waters as a trial run for the games 2012 to plan and prepare. Here is a report from the visit.

Families and their cockapoos started to arrive at midday on Friday the 3rd, pitching tents, parking caravan’s and booking into Lodges while the Poo’s waited in anticipation for the meet to get under way.

Once everyone was settled in the gathering and chatter commenced. Friday evening was spent flitting from tent to caravan to lodge and a congregation at Woody’s Bar witnessed a few drinks being swiftly swallowed.

Up early on Saturday morning for a trip to A1K9’s Dog Training School for a group walk and to trial the events planned for the games.

After some refreshments Mick and Alfie, Julia & Yogi, Jon & Barney and Lorraine & Ben demonstrated aspects of the games events.

Mick and Alfie demonstrating obedience

Julia and Yogi running the agility course

Jo and Barney running the relay

Lorraine and Ben demonstrating obedience
After the demonstrations the rest of the team had chance to have a go, feedback to Mick and also get some training advice to prepare for the games. During the afternoon we had to dodge some very heavy storms but we were still able to do some great agility work.

Getting started on the tunnel

Stephen seems to struggling with the agility thing!

A special award for Josh who displayed handling techniques way beyond his tender 9 years of age.

We also had a visit from the local press, The Newark Advertiser.

We all had a great time and experienced the British weather to the full…. member’s returning to find tents and caravans had leaked and beds were soaked but nothing dampened our spirits and a fantastic weekend was had by all.