Group Walk Reports
North East Meet Report by Jenna
17 Cockapoos (3 imposters) at Derwenthaugh Park

We followed the track along until just before the seven arches bridge when we took a little detour to admire the surroundings and have a little rest.

A well timed hour walk – Well done Hubby Navigator. I’ve asked Santa Claus for a new camera for Christmas so hopefully better pictures next time. After another successful walk we have decided to continue to organise them next year so watch this space
Jenna x
Beds/Bucks/Cambs/Northants Meet
Cockapoo group walks are always a great place to see cockapoos in all their individual glory and this meet was no exception with some stunning colours. Photos by Harri, Martin and Angela.
North West Meet Report by Kirsty

On Sunday 21st July the teddy poos went up on the moors!! Here we were worrying about it being too hot …. Erhmmm more like brrr where’s my jacket. We had the two poo babies of the group, Darcy & Lola, being looked after by Coco, Rufus, Maisy, Izzy, Rosey, Cara, Niamh, Bokeh, Charlie & Lexie. Ashworth Moor was a poo paradise – lots of space, heather & long grass and just dust … No mud. We had a couple of poo wipe-outs due to all the chasing, in particular the girls took Bokeh out with a bit of a slam dunk. Next think we see over the ridge is Rufus, his Daddy & Shay his Mummy heading our way. Rufus was like our very own NW gazelle bouncing through the heather. Half way we stopped for a water break and for the dogs to raid Dave’s liver snacks (I think Cara is in love).

Fortunately for us what goes up must go down and there was Owd Betts pub at the bottom with a dog friendly beer garden. Yay!!
The chef and owner came out for a snuggle whilst half of us went hunting and gathering for juice. Next thing we know out comes the chef with a tub full of sliced beef for all the dogs. Sorry Dave but your liver treats were superseded at that point. Including a few comments of where’s ours from the humans.
Slurrpies finished, beef eaten and time to go home for a snooze – no baths required. Kirsty
Hampshire Meet Report by Kevin

Well that was another successful Cockapoo Meet. I had been a bit worried about the weather in the days leading up but we arrived under lovely blue skys, bright sun and fabulously clear views across the Hampshire countryside. Lots of poos turned up and we soon set off from the car park on our walk. As soon as we let the dogs off their leads they all proceeded to have a whale of a time racing each other up and down the line of walkers, lots of romping in the long grass, and any other fun they could think of.
Our poos really do get along well with each other and there is never any sign of nastiness from any of the dogs. As can probably be seen from the photo there was a definite ‘black poo’ bias to this meet. I did receive apologies after the Meet from two ‘white poo’ owners. One lady turned up without a dog and said she had only found the website the day before and is hoping to find her own cockapoo very soon.
We finished our meet with a gathering around a handily placed picnic table for hot coffe and mince pies which made a happy conclusion to our morning. Our luck with the weather was highlighted by the fact that rain arrived about 20 minutes after we all left for home. Will plan to arrange our next meet around Feb/March time, probably at Hayling Island Beach, parking next to the Ferry Boat pub. More details nearer the time.
Surrey Meet – Nonsuch Park, Ewell Report by Sue

We went to a new venue for our Surrey meet today, Nonsuch Park, and there was a fantastic turnout – about 30 families and masses of ‘poos! While we were waiting in the car park for everyone to arrive, a lady with a cockapoo who just happened to be there for a walk, came over to say hello, amazed at the sight of so many cockapoos gathered together!
The weather was beautiful – frosty and sunny, and the dogs had a wonderful time running and playing and generally getting filthy. It was great to meet so many new cockapoo owners and to see the regulars again, as well as a few prospective owners who came especially to see our lovely ‘poos in the fur and chat to owners.

North West Meet Report by Kirsty
We took an alternative path this walk to avoid the Mersey river as some of our dog group like to swim a lot and we didn’t quite fancy the idea of shivering dogs or the humans having to manoeuvre themselves down the steep slop to get to the river. With the help of Dave, our newly appointed pied piper with his pocket full of liver treats, all the poos were very happy to go a different way and try to get into his magic coat pocket either by best behaviour, snuffling or leaping the highest to reach the treats.
They say blondes have more fun and our collection of blonde poos certainly enjoyed themselves. At one point we had an extra blonde in the shape of a Labrador! Little Niamh still never managed to catch Cara (the fastest poo in the north west) but she did try. Once more Cara found the mud puddle just like she did in previous meet photos. A quick hop or carry over the stepping stones, a little chase moment when one of our poo group pinched another dogs tennis ball and we arrived safely back to the car park with some very tired but happy poos ready for home and a warm bath. Have a great Christmas and see you in the New Year. New year means new venue – Heaton Park. There are some great wide open spaces at Heaton Park so bring the ball launchers.

Sussex Meet – Southwater Country Park Report by Hilary

Hampshire Meet – Butser Hill Sunday 28th October Report by Jack Spaniel
Having called the meeting I set out on a rather cold Sunday morning for the top of Butser Hill, which is the highest point in Hampshire. I was a bit worried that perhaps nobody would turn up. Shouldn’t have worried because when I arrived there was already a gathering of poos all excitedly waiting for their walk. We all chatted for a while to wait for stragglers, not long enough as it turned out. Eventually we set off and crossed into the walk area through a gate, crossed our fingers and let all the dogs off the lead. Happily they all behaved beautifully, no fighting at all, and proceeded to have an absolute whale of a time running, jumping, rolling, barking with occasional stops to beg treats from many well stocked pockets amongst the walkers. Reg the white cockapoo proving to be particularly adept at this.
Our walk was a real treat with the rain holding off and with 360 degrees of spectacular views across the Hampshire countryside. We had to modify our walk when we spotted some free ranging cattle in our path, so retreated rather than cause a poo activated stampede. We were caught up by three late arriving poos and ended up with eleven poos and probably twenty people. I’m sorry I don’t know all your names but all your dogs were lovely and I am so pleased you all came. We finished our walk around a feature called Grandfather’s Bottom which is similar to the Devil’s Punchbowl on the A3 if you know it.
We finished with a group photo shoot and everyone agreed we had a successful first meet and looked forward to the next one. We agreed to have the next meet in December at the same venue but with hot flasks, sausage rolls and mince pies. Hope to see you there.
One or two people had a problem finding the place, Best way is to use the pub The Hampshire Hog as a target, post code is PO8 0QD for your sat navs. If you visit the pub website and click on ‘Contact Us’ you will also find a map. Go past with the pub on your left, take first left and then first right into Hogs Lodge Lane (see the map). Go all the way to the top of the lane, turn right at the T-junction and carry on straight ahead for 1/2 mile into the car park.
West Midlands Meet – Clent Hills Sunday 12th August Report by Eileen
There’s been a poo-shaped hole in the West Midlands until recently. The first meet we attempted to organise last year would have fitted happily in a phone box , but at last we’re a growing band.
Ten excited poos and families met up in the car park at the lovely Clent Hills and after calling the register and handing out just-in-case-you-get-lost maps we resisted the sizzling bacon sandwiches in the café and set off with the promise of a sunbeam or two.
A pretty winding footpath led up to the grassy top area, where we released our poos, stood back and hoped we’d retrieve the right one to take home. Poos en masse always cause a bit of a stir of course – resembling a herd of rampaging teddy bears. Then the rain started. Serious rain actually.
Some of the younger puppies had had enough excitement so headed back to the bacon sandwiches while the slightly more intrepid attempted one of the routes on the map. There was a spot of going off piste and scrambling down muddy banks but all paths led back to the car park eventually. We met up in the outdoor café for soggy refreshments and despite being soaked to the skin agreed we’d had a great time. The poos were still bright eyed and waggy tailed of course, though resembled skinny drowned rats rather than teddy bears.
We’re excited at the prospect of regular group meets – the next one will be on the Malvern Hills after the Cockapoo Games. Look out for details!

Scotland Meet – Callendar Park Saturday 28th July Report by Ali

This was the third meet at this venue, and is set to become a regular monthly event, with dates set for the last Saturday in August and September. We congregate at 11am outside the house. It is very convenient for those of us in the central belt, and has a cafe as well as a kiosk selling passable coffee if it is dry out.
Izzy and I had such a great time, seeing her beautiful brother Flynn again, and Molly who we met when she was just 12 weeks old, and who has grown into a stunning wee lady of 8months. It was lovely to meet Ollie, the cutest wee black fluffball, Cocoa a gorgeous choccy pup, Toby, a fabulous big blonde boy and Bertie, an adorable choc/white parti.
We managed to dodge the showers (mostly), the sun shone in between times and we had a good walk around the park, then the dogs played chase before we 2 legs had coffee (and delicious bran muffins – thanks Ailie). I hope to see everyone again in August, and would love to meet more of our members if you can make it.

Ailie with fan club







Brentwood Meet – Sunday 1st July Report by Helen

We had a brilliant meet at the lovely Thorndon Country Park in Brentwood, with the novelty of some sunshine.
We managed to follow the intended route this time without getting lost or mislaying any ‘poos or people, which was a distinct improvement on our last visit there when we did all three!
We still had to brave a herd of cows, but got past them without incident. The ‘poos, as usual, were all wonderfully behaved and had a great time sampling the local cow pats and wallowing in any patches of mud and fetid pools of water that they could find. A special mention must go to Deefer, a committed hippopoo, for his “Vicar of Dibley” moment when he immersed himself totally in a huge pool of mud. However his mum did get her own back by throwing him into the lake to clean him up at the end of the walk. We look forward to seeing lots more Essex ‘poos at our next Meet.
Sale Water Park Meet – Sunday 15th April 2012 Meeting report by Kirsty

Oh what joy – the sun finally shone for us for a change!!!
We met in the car park and did our bit by promoting the world of cockapoo. A lovely couple of ladies joined us to meet the dogs and find out more as one of them would like to become a cockapoo owner. Vincent did his best to show them just how cuddly a cockapoo can be and Buddy just looked so handsome with his red bandana. We started our walk with tails wagging and shades on for the humans (normally those of us who are optically challenged need windscreen wipers it’s been that wet). It’s at this point you start to think maybe putting the jumper and the coat on was not such a good idea.

No rain, surely that would mean no mud? These are cockapoos… they can sniff a mud puddle out no problem at all, just take a look at Cara.

Buddy wearing his red bandana

They all merrily chased along with their owners enjoying a leisurely walk

Great fun splashing around in the waterways
Chasing sticks and running like the wind seemed to be the theme of the day, that’s when the ducks weren’t the targets. I think Cara won the medal for this outing of the “Fastest Cockapoo in the NW”. However Vincent won the medal for “Best Potential Bicycle Accident”… so glad that guy’s brakes worked. Jed, Rufus and Charlie merrily joined in and Charlie’s ‘Dad’, Mark, was on hand to stop his little darling eating horse poop. A little dip in the Mersey, a bit more running and our cockapoo crew’s stick chasing paled into insignificance when they met a Labrador on its walk – now that’s what you call a stick!!! Our cockapoo’s all looked on in awe.

Ellie and Cara bonded quite early as girlfriends only for us to find out they are both sisters – Ziggy’s offspring from Jukee Doodles.

Now that’s what you call a stick!!!

Time for a swim
A quick skirt around past the boats and we landed at the boat slipway which allowed our dogs to go for a swim, for some this was their first time, so it was lovely to see them being so brave. Stick chasing became a bit more frantic here because the sticks disappeared in the water. Not to worry Cara had the answer… dive for it. Yes, that’s right… nose, ears and full head under, she was not going to lose that stick.
A final trip over the stepping stones and us humans could smell the tea and coffee from the cafe. Yet another first, a quick brew and a bit of flapjack in the sun. Here’s hoping that our next trip – picnic at Lytham St Anne’s beach will be just as nice if not better.
Surrey Cockapoo Meet – Sunday 4th March 2012 Meeting report by Karen
Our first CCGB Surrey meet was held at Sheepleas, West Horsely on Sunday March 4th. The weather, just as forecast, was horrendous! However, the event was wonderfully supported by a Wiggle of Cockapoos with their owners and four prospective Cockapoo owner families who were there to see our lovely ‘Poos in the fur. The Cockapoos had a great time playing and running through the trees together and we all got thoroughly wet through to the skin! Contrary to popular belief we’re a hardy lot in Surrey!

North West Cockapoo Meet – Sunday 4th December 2011 Meeting report by Kirsty


Off with the leads…

Buddy straight in the cold, muddy water

Well what can I say …. boy did it rain and by the end of the walk we had a bunch of soggy doggies and soggy humans!!!!
The weather delayed our start slightly but it did not delay our fun. As you can see from the before picture we all looked rather presentable. Off we went and off with the leads. If you have not experienced a Cockapoo meet then I encourage you to find one, the joy in these dogs as they all run around together is amazing.
Head of the group was Buddy (he’s the adopted daddy of the group) leading the way through the mud and puddles and before long he found his favourite, water!!! He was straight in but the rest of the group obviously thought “noooooo…… to cold, we’ll just run around up here on the bank”. Then it was the humans turn for mud malarkey as one poor child lost their boots in the mud.
More rain and hail – none of this fair weather dog walking for this group!!! Little Poppy had the best seat of the house wrapped in a towel snuggled in to her Mum.
Up the bank and down the bank and we find very fast moving water. After a little photo shoot (not presentable now) and to Deeffer’s delight – ducks … great we can chase them, I could catch me a duck, just need to jump in and get one!!!
As we round the corner and head back to the other side of the lake shore it was great to see our dogs interacting with other dogs of all shapes and sizes. I can only imagine the thoughts of some when they came across the Bernese Mountain Dog ….small pony springs to mind.
I think everyone was feeling the weather and the walk by the time we got back to the car park just in time to find some Santa gifts that he had delivered for everyone.
As I type Cara has had her shower, accompanied by what seemed a gallon of shampoo, and is now snuggled under a dog fleece next to her Dad on the sofa. Thank you guys for a wonderful day. See you all at 11am, same place (Mersey Valley Visitor Centre car park) on Sunday 8th January 2012.