Members Stories
We would love to publish your Cockapoo information and hear your Cockapoo stories as it’s your real life experiences that bring Cockapoo ownership to life
If you are a CCGB member and would like your story published here please start a thread on chat, including a photo if possible, and ask admin if the article can be included on the website.
by June and Graeme

Teddie has been living with us for just over two weeks and has settled down more quickly than we could ever have imagined. He is an adorable cheeky scamp with enormous amounts of endless energy. His mother is a delightful American cocker spaniel (seen above) and the sire a toy poodle.
We got Teddie from SYLML cockapoos in Lincolnshire. We found Sylvia to be a very professional and helpful breeder who encouraged us to visit Teddie weekly from when he was a few days old. It has been delightful watching his progress from the start and we were amazed at the changes each week. He seemed to recognise us and would get quite excited. He was one of three, certainly the more out going of the three which at first worried me as I thought he would be a handful.
He is a handful at times and very cocky however we are not worried as we just have to be boss which he is responding to extremely well. Graeme and I are maintaining a very consistent approach. We mainly keep him in the kitchen where we have made it a safe area. During the evening he comes into the sitting room with us and barks at the television from time to time. During the night he sleeps in his crate in the kitchen and we come down to a clean crate each morning after eight hours sleep. So far we have had very few accidents in the house and yesterday he actually ran to the garden door very clearly telling me that he needed the toilet.
Teddie has now had his second injection and thank God we will be able to soon take him out for walks. I think we are all going stir crazy and certainly little Teddie has a lot of energy to use up. In the meantime Graeme takes him into town in a ruck sack and is stopped every few steps. We also have a basket on the bike so he enjoys a ride round the local park. Tonight we are going to a barbecue at a friends and will be taking our camper van which means three of us in a small camper.
Since his arrival we have had a string of visitors who have not come to see us! However, Teddy loves the attention. We have also have invited a couple of friends with their dogs and that was heaven for young Teddie, who demonstrated some surprisingly sophisticated social skills.
by Peter James Morgan

This is Oscar the replacement cat! Unfortunately our elderly cat became ill and eventually passed away. Our current house has a large back garden with high fences but near a main road. The elderly cat could not climb over the fences so was safe from the road. The wife would have liked another cat but we agreed it was too dangerous near the main road. I have has border collies in the past and would have liked another however my wife had never had a dog before and a BC was deemed to be a bit adventurous for her first dog.
I’m not sure how we discovered Cockerpoos but research was done – a small cuddly dog, low odour, low shedding, but one I could train as they are intelligent. Along came Oscar! TROUBLE is he is very intelligent with an equal amount of stubbournness and he likes to please himself! All was promising for the first few weeks, obedience was fantastic – truly remarkable – then he found his feet. In one week when he was a few months old he found some rat poison, fortunately I got it off him in time and it was a type not harmful to dogs despite an all out panic and a frantic rush to the vet. In the same week he managed to get the very tip of his tail caught in the door and to get in the edge of the river when it was starting to ice. Then comes the teenage years, you have to let the dog know who’s leader they say, well they haven’t met Oscar! He is the only dog I have ever known that you have to reason with. If you get him to think it is his idea you then you are on to a winner. He is now very well trained until he gets something into his head then it all changes. If he can pinch something that he knows he shouldn’t then it’s a run around the dining room table game. You can not catch him and he knows it. He does not destroy anything, he even shows you what he has taken and then runs. At 9pm at night he likes nothing better than to spend the last hour or so of the evening cuddled up on our laps just like a cat. As I am dog photographer, Oscar has helped me by posing in outside locations and indoor setups for my work. He loves to work with me but as an equal with treats for pay.
by Alan Brooks

My wife, Chris, and I have always, over the years, had dogs. They were usually rescues and ranged from 2 large Rottweilers down in size to a Mini Schnauzer and a Westie. We went through a period of not having a dog, the last one being the Westie. Chris by now was not working and when new neighbours moved in who had a Westie who looked just like our old one Chris started looking on rescue sites for a Westie in rescue for us. We ended up going from NW Kent to Winchester to collect a “Cross Terrier Type”, she turned out to be a Standard Schnauzer, we named her Poppy. She stank and had dead fleas dropping off her when she came out of the rescue but after a bath and groom she was different dog.
About a year later we took Chris’s sister to collect 2 rescue Westies and in a crate at the fosterers was a scared black curly bundle. Luckily for us the lovely lady who runs the rescue was there and knowing we had rescued one dog already and had paid for her to be spayed ourselves allowed us to have Marley. That’s how we came to have a Cockapoo.
It took about 24 hours for him to adjust and for us to gain his trust. We have now had him for 3 years and he is a real character. Fortunately neither Marley or Poppy shed hair so allergies have not been a problem. He is still wary of strangers and is a great guard dog. Like all cockapoos he is very clever, and learns quickly.
Now my wife and I would never have another type of dog, the combination of Poodle and Spaniel produces, as far as we are concerned, the perfect pet. Like a previous writer we feel we have also won a rescue lottery with both our dogs.
Autumn and Summer
We have 2 cockapoo’s, Autumn (a boy) and Summer (a girl). This is Autumn’s story:
When we fell in love with cockapoo’s we had no idea how to access information let alone breeders. T’internet (I’m from Yorkshire), now that’s the way forward. After hour upon hour of research we found a litter within 60 miles of our home, we booked a viewing and set off. On arrival we found 2 pups left, both from a working cocker mum and a miniature poodle father – a big, robust, healthy girl and a sorry looking boy who was half the size of the girl. Hubby took to the girl, he loved her energy and spirit. My head said “that girl is healthy, bright, interested and literally buzzing” but my heart said “the boy, the boy, he needs love”. By this time, whilst the girl was tearing up the kitchen, the boy had crept up and sat on my foot and was going to sleep. I take a size 5 shoe, he was laid on it he was that small. My husband took one look at my face, smiled and said “the boy it is then”. We got him home, he didn’t eat for 1 day, then 2 days, so we took him to the vet. The vet told us he was 6-7 weeks old at best and he was given a 50/50 chance of survival. We left the vet’s with 6 cans of high energy puppy starter food, a large tub of replacement milk and the knowledge our new pup did not know how to feed himself – we had to become ‘mums’. How hard could it be, we’re both parents? After almost 7 days on the couches taking turns every 2 hours feeding him with liquidised food and whelping milk, fed with a pipette he put his little face in the tiny dish and started feeding. I cried like a baby, my hubby didn’t, but he had something in his eye (it’s a man thing). Autumn grew swiftly and healthily, the bond we built up is so, so strong. He follows each one of us when we leave the room, he walks by our side, never enters a room before us and never needed to be lead trained, he took to it naturally. His whole mission seems to be to please.

My wife Fiona and I have lived in the UK for about 10 years. We used to live in Kansas USA. We’ve always loved dogs. We owned a Border collie mix while in the states. Jessie (dog) was a great companion and went with us most everywhere. She was an absolute joy to be around. After moving to the UK we wanted to get another dog, but it wasn’t until recently that we felt we were ready and in a good position to own another dog. As I have had a Cocker Spaniel in the past, I knew they were very loving house dogs. Having the Border collie mix showed me the fun and excitement of having an active dog that loved the outdoors. We looked into Labradoodles, but felt they were a bit big for our house, since it was going to be living with us inside. We were at an outdoor model helicopter event last year and saw a couple with a lovely black, what looked to be a Labradoodle puppy. It was bounding around the field chasing a ball and having loads of fun. We asked the owner about the dog and found it to be a cockapoo . Wow! That’s it! The perfect dog for us! We started looking for breeders, but found many of the prices were over £500.00 which was quite a consideration. Over Christmas we started seriously looking for a dog. We were trying to be open minded in regards to breeds but a cockapoo was really what we wanted. Then on the day before New Year’s Eve Fiona found a four month old Cockapoo going up for adoption at a rescue centre the following day. We couldn’t believe it! We made the journey to the centre the following day to find a table full of people filling out applications for him. We were gutted. We went ahead and filled one out ourselves as it would go to the person which could give it the best home.
Chaos (the Cockapoo) had belonged to an elderly disabled person who couldn’t give it the attention and exercise a puppy needs. He hadn’t had any training and wasn’t house broken. at 2 months old they took it to the centre.
The centre worked with the puppy over the next 2 months to get it ready for adoption. Apparently the name Chaos was justified.
We knew it could have a wonderful life with us.
As the centre had given us advice on what its recommended requirements would be, we went home and researched obedience training classes and the veterinarian which we would register him with. We also detailed the area where we lived and where we would be exercising him. As we live near to an airfiels and gliding club which we are members to, we have great place to let him run. We ended up with small file of information including aerial photos. We returned to the Centre the following day to see him again and to add this information to our application. To make a long story short, it was our application which was approved.
He is such a wonderful happy dog. We feel like we won the puppy lottery! And I’m sure he feels the same way about us.

Resisting a two-pronged attack from my daughter and wife with that well-known plea of “Pleeeeaaaase… I’ll look after it and take it for loads of walks and …… etc, etc.” I thought I had been doing well to stave off numerous efforts to persuade me to buy another dog for the two years since Rosie went to that big kennel in the sky. Rosie had spoilt us for any other dog for nearly 16 years and could never be replaced. Or so I thought.
I got up that bright summer’s morning one Saturday determined to finish off the paving around my garden pond. My wife aimed to put in a couple of hours to do some (unnecessary, in my view) housework, when suddenly …..KERPOW!!! in true Batman-style, my daughter burst through the front door, back from her morning appointment in the local town.
“I’ve seen it, I’ve seen it, I’ve seen it!” she repeated, excitedly. “Seen what?” I asked (knowing full well that she had secretly been on many scouting missions to find the perfect dog for us). “The most fantastic dog in the whole wide world – it’s perfect, it’s called a ‘cockerpoodle’ and the lady who had it has just has just got another puppy from the same breeder and it’s perfect, daddy, daddy pleeeeeaaaase,” The breathless excitement continued, “….and she has given me the phone number coz she has only one girl puppy left and 5 boys and the girl might go!” Bear in mind that my daughter is a 24-year old professional (going on 8), who has those puppy dog eyes too that have got her out of loads of bother in her lifetime but who also never ever gives up when she knows she is determined to get her way.
Number was rang, “Yes we still have one girl puppy, and it will be £sss,” the lady said. HOW MUCH!!!??? Those pleading eyes again. “I’ll pay towards it, daddy.” “But the lady lives 50 miles away and I want to finish my pond,” I retorted desperately (but knowingly wanting to give in as I missed having a dog so much). She sensed a crack in my feable defence. Resistance became futile.
….but first we had to check with ‘grandad’. Would he look after the new puppy, while we went to work, at the ripe but very fit old age of 82? Of course he would.

So we, the three of us, duly set off to the bottom end of Coonty Derrum. Excited to the point that we had totally forgotten a deposit. Deposit? We were under the illusion we could just say we wanted the puppy then go back two weeks later at the beginning of the school summer holidays and pick up said ‘purchase’.
Never mind. We arrived, despite my useless satnav, to be greeted by six of the most totally irresistable bundles of energy – with another two in the kitchen that had been ‘spoken for’ – that you could ever wish to see on this planet. ‘Smitten’ is a word that has not occurred very often in my lifetime. I was smitten, and my daughter was ‘past herself’ with delight. There was absolutely no way we would leave that house without our gorgeous bundle of curly energy. We were told her birthday, May, so she was to be called ‘Maisy’.
Maisy’s father was a tiny, white poodle and mum was a gorgeous ginger spaniel (must have been a ‘springer’ the way that Maisy now jumps, do all cockerpoos jump so high as if they have springs under their paws?). I looked at these two forlorn parents of Maisy and really felt sorry for them – total strangers removing their babies. Then after a quick dash to the local hole-in-the-wall, we managed to drain enough of our funds to return to collect Maisy. “Can we not buy two?” was a tentative plea which fell on stony ground.
Back at home where our new garden is nearly finished and Maisy, a bit shy and explorative at first, started to enjoy her new surroundings. Unfortunately, she hadn’t been near a (aforementioned, unfinished but full) pond before, and ended up in it! She shook non-stop for the next two hours while I cuddled her inside a towel. That incredible bond continues to this day.
Her first day at puppy socialising/training saw her to be an incredibly confident puppy winning hearts as well as rosettes.
The ‘puppy party’ at the local vets was a chance to see how high she could jump over other puppies – great fun. And her first walk with the local ‘doodle’ club at Plessey Woods had her playing with labradoodles at least twenty times her size, and running rings around them and getting completely filthy in the process, but what the heck- she was having a great time.
Maisy gets copious amounts of walking every day with grandad, nearly always followed by a soapy bath – which she absolutely loves…especially the blow-drying ‘afters’. It keeps grandad fit and he now has a new lease of life. At weekends, my wife and me have the fun.
Has anyone seen the film ‘Up’? There is a fantastic scene in it where all the (rather nasty/horrible) dogs have to round up the main characters but when they are shown a ball they become sooooh excited and friendly. And when it’s thrown, all the pack of about 40 chase it….. to the dismay of them when they realise that they’ve been hoodwinked. Maisy must have been in that pack. She goes nowhere without a ball – not even in the back garden at midnight where we have to play ‘fetch’ and ‘drop’ every night, even through last year’s winter, in 12″ of snow. We love it. At the beach, she even takes her ball into the sea to clean the sand off it! And she’ll do anything for a tiny slice of smoked frankfurter, if you haven’t used them as treats yet, try them.
Like every cockerpoo she is so adorable. Colleagues at work, who have never even had a dog have told me they are going to get one. I have agreed that when we retire in the not-too-distant-future we will get another one.
But finally, remember: ‘Resistance is futile’…..and like that wimp in the Beano’s Bash Street Kids, I have now become a totally big ‘Softie’.
by Sarah Moore
I’m Sarah, I’m 32 and have been married to James for 10 years this coming July! We live in Suffolk with our 3 children – Ellie is 9, Harry is 6 and Oscar is 1, and our 7 month old black tuxedo (working cocker x miniature poodle cross) Cockapoo Max(imus Prime). Max is a Jukee Doodles pup, Mum is Molly and Dad Ziggy.
I never thought I would be able to have a dog, as I discovered I had allergies when I was around 6 years old and ever since then being around dogs would affect my asthma and my eyes would stream and the sneezing would start. My husband grew up with dogs, and would every so often say how much he wanted one, and I would always say no, we can’t have one. Then I came across the cockapoo and labradoodle.. after much research, and holding off for a year or so when we discovered I was pregnant, I started looking into breeders. After many emails to breeders and a phone call to one who was possibly the least chatty person in the whole world, I came across Jukee Doodles…
I joined their waiting list last Aprilish for one of their Summer puppies. My excitement level was constantly at fever pitch and increased even more when Molly (my favourite of their bitches) had her litter on June 4th. After patiently (?!) waiting for a week, JD posted a video and photos of her 10 puppies. The little black boy won my heart right from the start. We got to meet him at their Hug a Pup party when he was 4 weeks old, and officially chose him 2 weeks later at his litter’s choosing day! An agonising 3 weeks later (as we were on holiday for a week) we went to pick him up and bring him home!
Max is the friendliest, waggiest tailed, happiest little dog ever. He is so good with the children, even Oscar who has a habit of crawling over Max, grabbing his fur etc. They are such good friends though and can very often be found in Max’s crate together! We adore the fluff ball that he is, and will definitely get a 2nd JD cockapoo later on, to add to our family.
UPDATE JAN 2016: Max is now 4.5 years, and continues to be the happiest, bounciest dog around. We loved him so much that we added a 2nd JD ‘poo – Polly to our family in Jan 2013, Toby from Jaruda Cockapoos in Sept 2015 and Sookie from JD in Nov 2015. My ‘poos are such a huge part of my life that venturing into breeding felt like a very natural step, and so Lynton Cockapoos was born. Polly had her first litter in July 2015 and it was the most wonderful experience. Who knew we’d end up so dog obsessed all those years ago!

Milo and Alfie
by Mick Watson
Both Jeannette and I served in the RAF, Jeannette as a Veterinary/Kennel Assistant for 17 years and myself as a
Police Dog Handler/Instructor/Dog Inspector for 30 years. Jeannette left the RAF in 1990 to become a mum but once the children were attending school the lure of a job managing a Working/Breeding kennel’s was just to much for her to resist and she spent another 7 years doing this before we moved to get us in a particular school catchment area. Now both out of the RAF with no dogs to play with we got ourselves a Border Terrier who filled our lives with fun and love till the day he departed after a long illness.
Some 15 months later, it was around this time last year (Christmas 2010), we came across a little dog on a walk…..yes a Cockapoo…..smitten would be an under statement. After doing some research we found ourselves on a visit to a breeder hopeful of meeting some Cockapoos, we arrived at 11am and left just before 5pm. We had spent almost 6 hours in the company of Stephen & Julia at JukeeDoodles…and the rest is, as they say, history.
We now have two fabulous Cockapoos Milo & Alfie who have without doubt have rejuvenated Jeannette and myself. I have now started my own dog and puppy training club, A1K9s. Alfie and Milo are star attractions on Saturday mornings and they are both entered in the Cockapoo Games in September.
Milo is from an English Working Cocker Spaniel (Lilly) and a Miniature Poodle (Ziggy) and was born on 23 May 2011, he is an unusual Cream colour and he has a fantastic temperament. Milo has also shown that he has a liking for agility and loves to climb anything he can his get paws on.
Alfie is also from a English Working Cocker Spaniel (Lucy) and has the same father, Ziggy. Alfie was born on the 26 May 2011, he is Chocolate Roan in colour and although only 7 months old he is already a big Cockapoo weighing over 16kgs. He has a superb temperament and loves working, he is doing extremely well at obedience and display’s great enthusiasm in the agility arena .

Poppy and Rosie
by Colin
I’m Colin, 60 years old and a founder member here, married to Maureen and we have 3 children and 5 grandchildren. I have had dogs in my life for the last 46 years. My first dog was when I was 14 a Heinz 57 variety called Toby – a right little scruff but very clever. Then after we were married we got a Doberman bitch called Rana, I competed in obedience and in KC dog shows, (definitely a trip to the dark side). Not the best dog for a beginner. Then came Karn a Border Collie dog. We competed at obedience and agility. A year later, Jess a Springer Spaniel bitch, again it was obedience and agility, just as easy to train two dogs and twice the fun. I love all my dogs past and present but Jess was something special. We lost her at the grand old age of 18.
I said I would not have another dog. But in 2009 Poppy came into our life and our love of Cockapoo’s began. This time I just wanted a pet, so just training for good behavior I thought, but at a dog show there were have a go arenas for both Agility and Flyball. She’s a natural at both, but as I am not that fast across the ground now, it’s Flyball as the dog does most of the work. We had been thinking about getting another dog for a while and earlier this year, for my 60th birthday Maureen got me Rosie. Two dogs are for me no more work than one and a lot more fun. It can be a bit hectic in our house when the family visit, but seeing kids and dogs playing is worth it.
There have been more dogs in our lives, family dogs, some lodgers and some we just take for a walk. Over the last few months I have been trying to make friends with a lovely Chihuahua at the Flyball club that is frightened of men, and he is now taking treats from me and I will be over the moon the day he lets me stroke him. Basically I’m just dog mad.

Flo and Remy
by Mandy
I’m Mandy and I have two lovely apricot cockapoos called Flo and Remy. Flo is my first dog and she is such a joy that she was closely followed by Remy who is her half-sister by the same dad, Jasper. Through my two dogs I have made some great friends, both ‘real life’ and ‘virtual’, discovered forums and blogs, developed a keen interest in training and dog sports and taken up loads of dog related interests like grooming, raw feeding and working with a fantastic team of people to help launch CCGB. If you would like to see photos and movies of Flo and Remy and follow their story take a look at my cockapoo blog at

Confessions of a ‘Poo Addict by Eileen
Cockapoos should come with a health warning. There’s a real danger that as soon as you glimpse your first poo you’ll develop an incurable condition commonly known as poo-obsession. This happened to me. I stroked the silky chocolate coat of a smiley-faced poo and went weak at the knees – the first symptom. The second symptom was extensive Googling of ‘How to buy a Cockapoo.’ After that there was no turning back.
First choose your poo
Fortunately I stumbled upon the treasure trove of all things poo – the ‘I Love My Cockapoo’ forum. Photos of every shape and size of teddy bear and thread titles such as ‘Puppy snoring – is this normal?’ and ‘Help! Brian’s turned a funny colour’, drew me in. I was lost. I’d developed a full-blown case of poo-obsession.
The advice was clear; finding the perfect pup would be a lengthy process. I’d have to travel extensively, interrogating breeders and languishing on waiting lists. Hmm. I’m Mrs Impatient Aries for goodness sake.
I made my first phone call. This breeder knew her poos. She gave me a reassuring lecture on the importance of health testing and yes, she had a litter ready to go and emailed me a pic of a fluffy golden teddy to prove it. Heart-melting temptation! I explained that we had a spot of puppy preparation to do, ie demolishing the balcony and building a new poo-proof one. “Blimey!” The breeder clearly felt she’d hit the jackpot in terms of indulgent mummies. She had a newly born litter – including another golden teddy. Might the balcony be ready in eight weeks? Too right it would. The cheque was in the post.
Hmmm. I had a feeling I’d over-looked one or two vital questions. Back to check on the forum. Yep, definitely some serious gaps.
Another phone call to properly interrogate the breeder.
Boxes were all satisfactorily ticked until we got to:
“What’s his dad like?” (Hoping for lovable, super intelligent, stunning looks.)
Pause. “Pretty off-hand really.”
Flippineck – not what I wanted to hear. I made my first abortive attempt to arrange a visit. Not easy. I hadn’t realised how far east you can travel without speaking a different language.
The first pics of our week-old pup arrived. Huge excitement – I tried not to fret about his off-hand dad. Grown-up daughter immediately christened him Rupert and plastered him all over Facebook. Grown-up son announced that he looked like a thinker. (Maybe not entirely a good thing?) Hubby, who hadn’t been listening, thought he was an odd looking poodle.
Next prepare your balcony
The builders demolished the balcony and the new one started to take shape with scary stairs to the garden. Alfie-the-Bichon couldn’t get up them, despite his agility classes, so not much hope for young Rupert. Living in an upside-down house has its drawbacks.
It was at this point that the retail aspect of poo-obsession took over. We would need several stair gates, a puppy pen and a crate or two for starters. The delivery man queried just how many wild animals we were planning to get.
And then there was the doggie-loo with the fake grass. Wildly expensive but a must-have for when young Rupert was taken short on the balcony.
Bowls, brushes, chewy antlers, pigs’ ears– the list went on. I found myself striding past John Lewis and heading excitedly for Pets at Home. No more coveting Clarins – it was all about Posh Pups Tail Conditioner.
Get to know your poo
Time was passing and I was beginning to worry. Where were the new pics of Rupert and up-dates on his progress? Prospective mummies on the forum were having a high old time with ‘Cuddle your Puppy Days’, cosy chats with their breeders and weekly ‘How Cute are they?’ videos.
I was unnerved to hear that my breeder was out of the country – so still no visit. Was it sensible to buy a pup I’d never laid eyes on? I went on a fact-finding trip to a breeder who hadn’t left the country. This was poo-wonderland with knobs on and I was so-oo tempted.
Grown-up daughter was appalled. “You can’t cancel Rupert!” She had a point. For better or worse I’d bonded with my golden teddy pics. It’d be like selling your granny – or worse.
“What if we don’t like him?” I queried.
Hubby and daughter raised eyebrows in unison. “Yeah – right!”
Pre-poo nerves
Eight weeks. With information over-load from the forum I made final preparations for the new arrival. Most new mummies seemed to favour a trip to the hairdresser and a spot of re-decorating. Hubby was doubtful. “Do you think he’ll notice?” Men!
I set up Rupert’s pen in the corner of my study with his crate inside, lined with snuggly bedding, a few tastefully arranged toys and his doggie-loo. Alfie sniffed it suspiciously. Another worry! How would he take to his new brother? Our late lamented Mitzi had spent her twilight years with Alf firmly clamped to her nether regions, hence the decision to get a boy pup. Just how much testosterone would they manage to generate between them?
The breeder advised an early morning collection to allow Rupert time to settle into his new home. So – a sleepless night in a Travel Lodge and sulky Alf left behind with excited daughter.
All worries lifted as soon as we arrived at the kennels. This was professional with a capital P. Our newly bathed and brushed fluff baby was scampering happily round the kitchen and gave us a waggy-licky welcome. We bonded immediately – how could we not?
He’d got his luggage packed and all his worming, vaccination and microchip records neatly filed. Standing to attention for his grooming demo and health check he flashed a beady eye at me as if to say, “Don’t imagine I’ll be doing this for you, Sunshine.”
Then I bit the bullet and asked to see Dad. Yep, ‘offhand’ summed him up pretty well, but fortunately his mum seemed anxious to make up for her partner’s lack of charm. Neither parent seemed bothered that I was about to make off with their boy.
Rupert snoozed on my knee for the marathon journey home. He showed no interest in his new cuddly bunny but considerable interest in my espresso and muffin. This was the first indication that in Rupert’s world ‘Tummy Rules!’
Senior dog meets new kid on the block
Well, we’d planned how we were going to effect introductions and accomplish doggie harmony. We thought we’d put Rupert in his pen so Alf could examine him through the bars. Of course it didn’t happen like that. In the heat of the moment excited daughter galloped off in to the garden with Rupert and I went in the house to explain to Alf where babies come from. (In this case Lincolnshire.)
When they finally rubbed noses Alf was clearly perplexed by this unusually animated squeaky teddy. He was even more perplexed when the teddy set about eating the rug. Was this allowed? And puddles on the carpet ?????
Rupert made himself at home immediately. He hoovered up his puppy food, re-arranged all the soft furnishings and snoozed happily in his grassy puppy-loo on the balcony.
New puppies were a breeze!
Tuck up your puppy
Bedtime started off well. I popped him in his cosy crate inside the lovely new puppy pen surrounded by toys and cuddly blankets and kissed him goodnight. There was a fair amount of howling, but I’d read all the books so I knew he’d settle down eventually.
The first signs of trouble were the ominous thuds coming from my study as I was brushing my teeth. Aaargh – I turned round to find Rupert proudly sitting behind me, tail thumping. Not only had he escaped from his pen, he’d negotiated two open-tread staircases down to the bathroom. Hmm.
The third time he escaped I watched to see how he did it. Easy peasy – he climbed on top of his crate and jumped over the top of the pen.
Time to increase security. With the aid of additional stairgates and the odd fireguard I constructed Puppy Colditz and went off to bed, exhausted.
More howling. I knew I had to ignore it and was just about to switch off the bedside light when the door burst open and Rupert skipped in, overjoyed to see us again.
It was at this point I abandoned all ‘Bedtime with your new puppy advice’ and re-positioned his crate – next to our bed, with the grassy puppy-loo arranged as an en suite.
Having successfully established his preferred sleeping arrangements Rupert slept through the night – and a fair bit of the morning. He likes a good lie-in, does young Rupert – so I struck gold there then!
Six months on
Actually I struck gold in many ways, despite my less than ideal puppy choosing methods.
Six months on Rupert and Alfie are best mates. They have their own mini-football team and male voice choir, they snooze together on the comfiest sofa and chew each others ears. Alfie, in a moment of madness, even allowed young Rupert to yank most of the hairs out of his tail.
Any regrets? Only my expectant-mummy retail splurge. We plan to plant daffodils in the luxury puppy-loo. Rupert never saw the point of it – preferring to wee directly on to the balcony decking. (Not good news for anyone relaxing in the seating area below.)
Oh and Rupert is determinedly developing his climbing skills. Perhaps I shouldn’t worry too much about the genetic influence of his off-hand dad. It’s pretty clear that Rupert isn’t a Cockapoo at all, but a fine example of that very rare breed – the cocka-monkey.
My addiction continues…