Organised Events
Cockapoos, unlike a pure bred dog, are unique and come in all shapes, sizes and colours with a diverse range of skills. There’s no better way to see an amazing variety of Cockapoos than by coming along to a cockapoo event, whether you are an owner, breeder or even just thinking about getting a Cockapoo.
Cockapoo Games 2012 at Woodland Waters

Woodland Waters Nr Ancaster, Lincolnshire NG32 3RT
14/15/16 SEPTEMBER 2012
Event Organiser and Manager Mick Watson A1K9’s Dog School
Sponsored by JukeeDoodles
Raising money for Hounds for Heroes
Games Update by Mick
We have now closed the list for applications to compete as we have reached our target of 40 cockapoo’s. Competitors will arrive from Friday through to early Saturday morning. If you have registered your dog(s) to compete and you are a CCGB member click here to go to CCGB Chat for more details and to ask any questions you might have about competing at the games.
Come and watch the fun and games
Spectators will be welcome on Saturday 15th September (with or without a cockapoo!). You should report to reception at the main entrance where you can book in and pay their daily visitor’s fee. Fee to be confirmed but it will be just a few pounds.
Schedule of Events
Saturday 15 Sept 2012
10:00-10:30 Competitor’s Briefing
11:00 Obedience Competition
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:45 Agility Competition, Beginners
14:30 Agility Competition, Intermediates
15:15 Agility Competition, Advanced
16:00-16:30 Afternoon Break
16:30 Best Trick Competition
17:15 Relay Challenge
18:30 Competition Results, Prizes & Raffle Draw

The Obedience exercise can be conducted on or off the lead and at normal walking pace.
This exercise will consist of the following:-
2 Right Turns, 2 Left Turns, 2 About Turns, 2 Halts (Dog in sit position), Recall (The dog will be placed in to the down position. Handler then leaves his/her dog, walks forward 15 paces, about turns and on instruction from the Arena Marshal recalls their dog to a frontal sit position), Sit/Down Stay (The dog will be left in either position at a distance of 20 meter’s, when the handler reaches this point the dog must remain in the position he/she was left in for 30 second’s. The handler will then be instructed to return to their dog. The exercise is not complete until the dog is placed on the lead again the dog must not break the position it was left in whilst being put on the lead. The Arena Marshal will then signal end of exercise), Send Away (You will send your dog to a table 10/15/20/25 meter’s away, command the dog to stay/wait and the Arena Marshal will then instruct you to join your dog.)
The Agility Competition will be carried out off the lead and against the clock. The courses will be constructed from the following obstacles:-
Hurdles, Dog Walk, Long Jump, See Saw, Wishing Well, ‘A’ Frame, Open & Collapsed Tunnels, Weave Poles, Tyre Jump, Spread Jump
A clear round over all obstacles in the fastest time will win the competition however, penalty points will be add for any refusals, missed jumps, poles knocked off or contact points not achieved. 10 points will be awarded for each obstacle completed, 5 points for a second attempt and 0 points for any further attempts or for missing the obstacle. A minimum time for the course will be in place (TBD) and for every second over that time 2 points will be deducted from your overall score.
Best Trick
You will have approximately 5 minutes to show the judges a trick or tricks you have trained your cute little dogs to do…..maybe we can take that bottle of champagne off Stephen!
The Relay
Teams will compete in races against each other over a series of obstacles. This fun competition will be fast and furious, change over’s from team member to team member are going to be crucial, making sure the baton has been passed and your dog is under control before the next leg can commence
A1K9’s The Ones to Watch No pressure guys!
The event organiser, Mick Watson, who runs A1K9’s Dog School will have owners and cockapoos who attend his training classes competing at the games. He is running weekly Boot Camp sessions to help them prepare for the events. Here they are being put through their paces, all new to agility but doing really well with their basic training and having lots of fun…

Event Rules
- Dogs must be kept under control and on a lead at all times unless in the competing arena or in a designated free exercise area
- All dogs are entered for competition at their owner’s risk and whilst every care will be taken, the management of the event will not accept responsibility for loss, damage or injury however caused to dogs, persons or property whilst at the event.
- We respectfully remind competitors and owners with a dog to pick up and remove any fouling, as soon as possible.
- We are of course hoping for lovely weather but remember that if you feel hot your dog is likely to feel much hotter and will be thirsty so please look after your dog(s) to ensure they are kept cool and comfortable.
- If you are leaving your dog(s) in a vehicle or crate please ensure you have the necessary equipment (reflective covers, fan, cooling mat/coat, water etc.) so they are not hot, dehydrated, uncomfortable or distressed. If your dog is found to be at risk, forcible entry to your vehicle may be necessary without liability for any damage caused.