All Cockapoo puppies born to CCGB Approved Breeder Members are eligible to receive official CCGB Lineage Certificates. The Breeder Member will notify the CCGB of the arrival of a said litter (when the litter is aged between one and seven weeks old) on-line. An acknowledgement e-mail will be sent to the Breeder Member for the notification of the litter before they are eight weeks old. Attached to this e-mail will be two .pdf file’s, a CCGB Lineage Certificate order form for the new owner and an RSPCA Puppy Contract that is endorsed and personalised by the CCGB for use with this particular litter. The Breeder and the Buyer sign the completed CCGB Puppy Contract, which is legally binding, not only giving assurance from the breeder but also binds the buyer to a ‘Duty of Care’ to properly look after the puppy.
The new owner can buy the lineage certificates for their puppy.
It is the members responsibility to check the coefficient percentage of a predicted pairing prior to mating so as to ensure the COI remains below 6.25%. The Registrar can assist in this calculation if required.
Note: No dog breeder in the UK may breed 3 litters or more a year unless they have a current Council Breeding License permitting them to do so. However even if a single litter has all of its puppies advertised and sold then the breeder is deemed to be in the ‘business of breeding’ and should legally obtain a license from their local council.
Cockapoo Registration Criteria
The CCGB puppy registration process is in place to provide owners with registration papers as proof that their cockpaoo comes from a CCGB approved breeder. The registration process is also in place to safeguard against indiscriminate breeding, to ensure that cockapoos (both F1 and subsequent generations) are originated from a declared group of recognised pure breeds.
Any Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles, American Cocker Spaniels, English Show Cocker Spaniels, Working Cocker Spaniels or Dual Purpose Cocker Spaniels that are used to breed Cockapoos by CCGB Approved Breeders must have formal registration papers i.e. Kennel Club 3 generation pedigree or Dog Lovers Registration Club 3 generation pedigree.
Cockapoos born BEFORE Ist January 2014 used for breeding must be able to prove parentage back to formally registered parents supported by the breeders original signature and date on a CCGB declaration of the parents identity OR must have CCGB registration papers. The CCGB reserve the right to request DNA testing at their discretion.
Cockapoos born ON or AFTER 1st January 2014 must have CCGB registration papers OR in exceptional cases by application to, and at the discretion of the CCGB Committee, must be able to prove parentage back to formally registered parents supported by the breeders original signature and date on a CCGB declaration of the parents identity. The CCGB reserve the right to request DNA testing at their discretion.
New Mandatory Health Testing Directive
FN (Familial Nephropathy) can be carried by English Show and Working Cocker Spaniels.
PFK (Phosphofructokinase) can be carried by American Cocker Spaniels.
Both FN and PFK can be DNA tested. It is vital that CARRIERS and/or AFFECTED dogs potentially carrying the same recessive genes should not be bred together.
As of 1st October 2012, in order to gain CCGB registration papers for the puppies from any mating of a Cockapoo carrying English Show or Working Cocker Spaniel genes being bred with another Cockapoo carrying English Show or Working Cocker Spaniel genes, or Cockapoo carrying English Show or Working Cocker Spaniel being bred back to an English Show or Working Cocker Spaniel, there will be a mandatory requirement to have at least one parent DNA FN clear tested or proof of clear by parentage.
In addition to this, there will be a mandatory requirement for any Cockapoo carrying American Cocker Spaniel Genes being bred to another Cockapoo carrying American Cocker Spaniel genes, or bred back to an American Cocker Spaniel, to have at least one parent DNA PFK clear tested or proof of clear by parentage.
Clear by parentage: successive generations should be re-tested every third generation to rule out the possibility of the gene being passed on through the sex gene.
The information you supply will be used by The Cockapoo Club of GB for administrative purposes within the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. We shall not supply it to third parties.
Example of an original CCGB Lineage Certificate

Subject to change