Stud Membership Form
Stud members enjoy:
- Membership Number
- Cockapoo Club Chat forum access, classification, support, promotion of litters available, interaction with past customers who will also promote your Cockapoos.
- All Cockapoo Club Chat forum members are only permitted to openly name, promote and recommend CCGB Approved Breeders.
- CCGB Approved Stud Logo for display on your website/promotional tools.
- Members Networking
- Listing on the CCGB Members Approved Stud Dogs list
- A link to their kennel website
PLEASE NOTE: Due to a large decline in our number of Inspectors and Club Officers, we are currently unable to offer Inspections in the South West, Wales and Scotland. Anyone interested in becoming an Inspector, or joining as a Club Officer, please email us.
Also, again due to low numbers, and busy lives of our volunteers, the Inspection process does take a number of weeks.
Please check that you have complied with our Code of Ethics before applying.
No dog breeder in the UK may breed 3 litters or more a year unless they have a current Council Breeding License permitting them to do so. However even if a single litter has all of its puppies advertised and sold then the breeder is deemed to be in the ‘business of breeding’ and should legally obtain a license from their local council.

Stud Membership Form
Please take a few minutes to let us know why you would like to become a Stud Member of The Cockapoo Club of GB. We would love to know about the dog(s) you have and what you already do.
Please submit a few lines in the box provided below. Committee members will then look at your application and, if approved, you will be proposed and seconded.
Once accepted as a Member, you will be placed on the Approved Stud Members pending list awaiting a visit from a CCGB Inspector.
After a successful inspection, your dog(s) will be listed on the website as an Approved CCGB Stud Dog(s) and be offered a linked profile section on the website to promote your stud dog(s).
A £125 Stud Membership application fee must be paid before you send this form.
You may wish to pay using the direct payment facility below or by bank transfer to:
The Cockapoo Club of GB
The Co-operative Bank
Please check the box below if you choose to pay by bank transfer.

CCGB Stud Membership Application Fee
Purchase 1 off Stud Membership Application Fee